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Child-Cat Sponsorships

The many homeless cats and orphaned kittens quickly pushed us to our limits. The financial means were and are too scarce to have a cat house built. At the same time, we were aware that many children live in poverty and that girls are often married off at a very young age. This gave rise to the idea of providing cats for children who love animals and looking for sponsors to cover the cost of food and also to contribute to the cost of education.


4 young women are currently in our sponsorship program. They look after their cats very lovingly and already have plans for their further education after leaving school. As soon as there are several people interested in sponsoring a child and cat, we will be able to add another child to our program.


Our address

Cornelia Lehmann-Horn

Schönstraße 65

81543 München, Germany

How to reach us

Tel: (0157) 87544516
(only whatsapp/telegram/signal - no phone calls)