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Conny Lehmann-Horn

Contact person for: Donation receipts, Animal sponsorships, Child-cat sponsorships, Volunteering


Whatsapp: +4915787544516

Silvia Sinta

Contact person for: Reporting sick cats on site, Donations on site, Visiting the cat sanctuaries

Whatsapp: +62 822-9499-8812

Rudianato Sinulingga

Contact person for: Reporting sick dogs on site, visiting the dog stations

Whatsapp: +62 813-7565-3607

Facebook: Sumatra dogs&catscare

Instagram: sumatradogsandcatscare

Tiktok: Sumatra dogs&catscare

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Legal information:

By submitting the data, I agree that the data entered by me will be stored electronically for further processing.

Our address

Cornelia Lehmann-Horn

Schönstraße 65

81543 München, Germany

How to reach us

Tel: (0157) 87544516
(only whatsapp/telegram/signal - no phone calls)